Aviation: My Passion about Airplanes
S. Khamis, November 27, 2022
Student of Bachelors of Business Administration Major in Marketing at American University in Dubai
The topic of this blog is Aviation marketing. Let me tell you what it is, Aviation Marketing is simply the use of strategic interactions between the decision-makers and vendors/retailers. It is how the companies promote themselves in the market and how they communicate with their competitors. I as an individual Like to talk about how aviation firms communicate for the purpose of making people's lives much easier to travel, discover new places as I do, diversify brands worldwide, and much more. To begin with, Aviation is a topic that connected me to the world simply by getting introduced to new cultures, gathering new information from the visited places and place them in my research, and generate economic prosperity. A little information that I want you to keep in mind its not impossible to reach the required goal with all the effort applied to succeed in life. You would be wondering what's my interest in aviation?, what places have I traveled to?, what is the main impact of aviation in business and the world?, why did I choose this specific topic? All these concerns are answered for you in my blog below.
My interest in Aviation
The Aviation industry will carry on its own businesses to pull most of the tourists because it is the most critical and complicated type of business and for it to analyze the risks is also much more advanced. It is not that easy to manage everything in your organization in one day, therefore, split the right work for the right time for the right employees. Moreover, Aviation is all about connecting people through flights, consultancies, and communications. I do believe that working in an aviation industry is worth experience and profitable no matter where, how, and why or not work there. It is a huge enterprise that provides variety of incredible options for professional progress and boom.
Places I have travelled to
I have traveled to multiple places around the world including Malaysia, Singapore, Lebanon, Hongkong, Thailand, Turkey, Greece, Syria, Georgia , and Italy. To illustrate, I do like to explore new cities that I have never went before, discover new famous attractions to these places, and get a vacation after all year of work etc..... Traveling to new places does not only provide you with education but also is source of tourism in the local country where everyone enjoy the best memories of their lives. The best places that I have already visited are Singapore, Malaysia, Greece, and Georgia. Singapore due to its strict tidiness, Greece due to amazing views of the Mediterranean Sea ,and Italy due to the people's love with life.
Major role of Aviation in business
Another point that I want to discuss is the main role of aviation in business. Aviation plays an essential role in business worldwide. It offers common functionality of transportation from one region to another, generates economic fluctuation, creates job opportunities, lubricates international trade and tourism. Businesses today rely on tourism more than anything else because if there are no tourists coming yearly to visit a specific country, then businesses will be forced to take action to face such as chaos.